Rotary Club of Toronto Charitable Foundation
Granting Guidelines and Eligibility
Charities and Non-Profits: You must use the downloadable WORD doc template (on the left ) to complete your application form, please ensure you have
read the Rotary Club of Toronto Charitable Foundation (RCTC FDN) Granting Guidelines (also on the left) PRIOR to completing your word doc version application (not a pdf version). 
Rotary Club of Toronto Charitable Foundation (the “Foundation”) is a separate entity that supports the charitable endeavours of The Rotary Club of Toronto.  The Foundation’s mission is to fund charitable organizations in the City of Toronto whose work improves the quality of life and environment for children, youth, senior citizens, indigenous peoples, and those experiencing disadvantage.  The Foundation may also support charitable organizations whose work responds to the needs of indigenous communities outside of Toronto, primarily within the Province of Ontario, and international projects, and disaster relief work of Registered Canadian charities.
The success of the Rotary Club of Toronto Charitable Foundation is derived from an engaged Board of Directors who are members of The Rotary Club of Toronto committed to fulfill its mission and goals to create fair and just opportunities for people.
Together, our work is guided by these core values:
High Ethical Standards: Our work is grounded in the guiding principles of Rotary’s 4-Way Test
1.           Is it the truth?
2.           Is it fair to all concerned?
3.           Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4.           Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
and we adhere to the highest ethical standards and principles.
Wise Stewardship: We are careful and responsible with all assets and resources entrusted to our care. We deploy the Foundation’s resources in a transparent and prudent manner and seek to maximize our relevance, credibility and effectiveness and the impact of our mission.
Culture of Partnership and Collaboration: We engage with members of The Rotary Club of Toronto and our stakeholders collaboratively through ideas and solutions that shape social responsibility and advance sustainable, effective philanthropy.
Commitment to Inclusion: We welcome and respect the fundamental value, dignity, and diversity of all individuals. We believe inclusion is the foundation of our individual and collective actions and characterizes the organization of which we are proud.
The Foundation is an Ontario corporation which is authorized to accept gifts and bequests and to administer the income and capital of the funds entrusted to it.
It is a Registered Canadian charity, which is exempt from income taxes under Section 149.1(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada).
In addition to its primary mandate, the Foundation may occasionally agree to administer Donor Designated Funds entrusted to the Foundation whereby donations and income therefrom are to be employed for philanthropic purposes specified by the donors, subject to the overriding fiduciary and other legal obligations of the Foundation.